At some stage your vet might ask you to collect some urine from your pet at home for testing. This can be quite tricky but here are some ideas to help you out.
The best time to collect urine from your dog is first thing in the morning after they have been sleeping for a few hours and have had time to fill their bladder. Otherwise during the day when you take them for a walk.
You will need a clean largish container ie margarine container is easy. Stay close to your pet and pay close attention to them as you will only get one good chance. When your dog starts to pass urine you can quickly but gently place the container in the stream. Try not to touch your pet as they can be disrupted and may stop urinating. Sometimes it is easier if you have someone help you to either hold the lead or put the container in the stream.
You only need to catch 5-10ml of urine. Put the urine in a clean screw top jar and bring into the vet clinic. If you are not able to come in straight away you can refrigerate the jar for up to 6 hours.
If you are still not able to collect urine you can keep your dog inside for several hours before our vets visit you and they will be able to collect it for you at your house.

Normal cat litter can be replaced with special plastic beads or even cut up plastic bags that will not absorb liquid. The litter tray needs to be emptied and cleaned and the new non-absorbent litter placed in it.
Once your cat has passed urine in the clean litter tray you can use a syringe to draw up the urine and place in a screw top lid. Alternatively pour it straight from the litter tray.
You only need to catch 5-10ml of urine. Put the urine in a clean screw top jar and bring into the vet clinic. If you are not able to come in straight away you can refrigerate the jar for up to 6 hours.
For cats who normally toilet outside you will need to keep them inside for a day or so, preferably in a confined area such as bathroom or laundry. Often these cats will urinate in a litter tray when confined for a time.
If you are still not able to collect urine then keep your cat confined to this space for a few hours before our veterinarian comes for a consultation and they will be able to help you collect urine by expressing the bladder or via cystocentesis, a procedure using a small needle and syringe to remove urine from the bladder.